How Carrier Packing ???


Comfort and efficiency in the way other than directly determined by the design backpack, too much influenced by the way we arrange things in the backpack. As the basis for the preparation of goods into a backpack (packing) is balance. How do you adjust the weight of the load on the body in such a way on foot to work efisien.Dalam certain limits owned frame backpacks can provide comfort. But, however well designed backpack that we would have little meaning if we are not able to do a good packing.

The basic principle is absolute in mempacking:
a. At the back pack worn heaviest burden should fall on the shoulders, why the burden should fall on the shoulders? This is due to travel (eg climbing) both feet must be in a state of freedom of movement, if any mempacking goods and consequently the heaviest burden falls kepinggul is legs can not move freely and be tired because you hit a hip backpack load behind.
Remember: put heavy items on the top and closest to the back.
b. Divide the weight of the load is balanced between the right and left shoulders. The goal is not to torture one of the shoulders and allows you to maintain balance in the face of a dangerous path that requires balance, such as: climbing the bridge of a tree, walking on the edge, and other circumstances.
As for how to do a good packing as follows:
1. Locate items that are heavier and frequently used items and vital place as close to the body and easily retrieved.
2. Items that lighter is placed at the bottom (sleeping bag, clothes, etc).
3. Avoid hanging items outside Carriel, because goods outside will disrupt your trip due to stuck-hook and impressed messy, try all of them can be packed in Carriel.
4. Maximize existing places, eg nesting (multipurpose pot) should not be left blank on the inside when put into Carriel, load groceries into it, such as: rice, eggs.
5. Put the items required at any time in the upper or outer bag backpack (poncho, P3K, etc.).
6. Classify goods according to type and place in a bag to facilitate its organization, eg toiletries placed in a plastic bag.
7. Put it in a plastic bag that is impermeable to water (especially sleepwear, spare clothes, books, papers, etc.).
8. Create a checklist of these items.


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